In order to meet our customer's expectations in quality, timely delivery, HSE and cost effectiveness, APCC has set its mission to provide economical and value-added solutions to its clients, resorting to advanced technologies and seeking the help of experts and consultants. This goal couldn’t be met without sharing APCC’s mission with an ambitious HR department that strives to provide rewarding career development for staff, through continuous learning and professional training in a supportive working environment. APCC’s values are deep-rooted in each of its accomplished mission; the result driven approach turns it into a pioneering role model in its field, targeting customers satisfaction and fostering diversity and teamwork spirit. APCC observes the highest level of ethical conduct and behavior in its business, thus striving for integrity and excellence.
The basic philosophy and strategy of APCC is based on meeting the needs of its customers by adopting a cost-effective approach and enhancing the quality of works. For that purpose, the company focuses on value engineering and aspires to be a global player in the provision of Engineering, Procurement, Construction (EPC) services to the Oil, Gas Petrochemical and Power Projects and Environmental Projects especially Water Sewage Treatment and Waste Water Management.